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Data Catalog

The TypeStream data catalog is a key-value store where:

  • The key is a path to a data stream. Examples: /dev/kafka/local/topics/users, /dev/dataflow/cluster1/topics/clicks.
  • The value is a DataStream.

A DataStream holds:

  • Its reference path (which is used to derive identifiers)
  • Schema information. For example, /dev/kafka/local/topics/users may be a Struct[id: String, name: String, createdAt: Date]

The compiler uses the data catalog to "type check" source code.

The data catalog is also used to determine the output type of streaming operations that involve more than one DataStream. See the DataStream type documentation for more information.

Encoding rules

TypeStream needs to distinguish between different data stream types and their encodings. The former is part of the typing system of the language, while the latter is relevant when reading data from sources and writing data back.

Here are the rules that determine the output data stream encoding:

  • If the output data stream type is the same as the input data stream type, the output data stream encoding is the same as the input data stream encoding.
  • If the output data stream type is different from the input data stream type, then we default to JSON encoding.

Consider the following data streams:

let authors = "/dev/kafka/local/topics/authors" # Struct[id: String, name: String] encoded as Avro
let books = "/dev/kafka/local/topics/books" # Struct[id: String, title: String] encoded as Avro
let ratings = "/dev/kafka/local/topics/ratings" # Struct[bookId: String, userId: String, rating: Int] encoded as JSON

The following pipeline:

cat books | grep "Station eleven" > station_books

will be encoded as Avro since:

  • The input data stream type is Avro encoded.
  • The output data stream type is the same as the input one.

While the following pipeline:

cat books | cut title > book_titles

will be encoded as JSON since:

  • The input data stream type is Avro encoded.
  • The output data stream type is different from the input one.

Also the following pipeline:

join books ratings > book_ratings

will be encoded as JSON since:

  • One input data stream type is Avro encoded.
  • One input data stream type is JSON encoded.
  • The output data stream type is different from the input one.